Sadly, most churches in West Tennessee closed their doors yesterday, because of a little snow. I don’t usually like satire or parodies. But at the beginning of COVID I did one parody, using a famous scene from the movie Downfall. Where the sinister Hitler was ranting & raving in a meeting with leaders. My parody
This week’s “big storm” or “inclement weather” that the media warned us about in West Tennessee gave us only six inches of snow. It’s the same snow that stopped falling yesterday. The roads have been well-plowed, and the skies are now sunny, blue, and clear. But sadly, many local churches have advertised on Facebook that
Amen. I have zero respect for nice guys. Lord, let me be “dangerous” and “strong” in You Lord. DISCLAIMER: I sometimes share excerpts from various sermons (or videos) from various professing Christians. However, this does not mean I endorse all views of every person shared here or in other videos on their channel.
The disgraced Alistair Begg wrongfully pulls the “Pharisee” card if you speak against his unbiblical position on attending “gay weddings” or against immorality. And, he sinfully claims those who do are probably closet homosexuals or sexually immoral. Perhaps this egregious false teacher-backslider is now doing the work of the Devil as he maliciously slanders those
RIALTO, CALIF. These paramedics are covid cowards and are derelict of their duty. They must be terminated, have their state license revoked, sued punitively, and depending on the results of the autopsy; perhaps criminally prosecuted for manslaughter. Glad the police officer videotaped it.