This documentary, ‘The Real David Platt’ was originally published on this website. In this documentary, you will hear from former and current members of McLean Bible Church in Washington, D.C. They reveal including but not limited to. Part 1 of 2: Platt no longer preaches proper expository teaching. No more proper exegesis, or proper hermeneutical
President Biden recently committed blasphemy (again) against Almighty God. After playing that video, I discuss covenant theology vs. dispensationalism, and then imprecatory prayers. Regarding my comments against public schools, I failed to mention the solution, which is homeschooling. If the Secret Service desires to visit my home, you’re wasting your valuable time. As while I
He is correct that a majority of citizens have been “manipulated” into believing this false narrative. Frankly, I believe it was a demonic manipulation, and many of y’all took the bait – hook, line, and sinker. For the record, from the beginning, I have never believed the lying liberal lame stream media, nor did I
I erred by watching too much news over these last two days, and that wasn’t good for my spiritual health, nor my blood pressure. Hence in this blog post, I will share just a few of my thoughts on this subject. First, the police administrators and their officers are utilizing a pragmatic policing rather than
This documentary is excellent and was produced by Dr. E.S. Williams. Williams is with the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London England. The same church once pastored by C.H. Spurgeon. Regarding Resolution #9. Though the original intentions were good. I had no idea that it originated right here in Hesperia, California. As the description field states, “False