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Tag: Critiquing comments

A Biblical rebuke of YouTuber Amy Rue

Amy Rue, I received your comment you submitted under this video. Since your comment was public, I will respond publicly. I see as of “Sept 10, 2020” you have a brand new YouTube channel. Is this so you can profess to be a Christian, then wrongfully criticize Heralds with your unbiblical (anti-Biblical) rhetoric? Amy, you

Can we push people further away from Jesus? – Podcast #38

I have a video on my YouTube channel entitled ‘What many pastors won’t tell you, regarding sexual immorality, by Paul Washer.’ It’s generated hundreds of thousands of views, and thousands of comments. Most recently YouTuber Connor Hogan submitted the following comment, “I love the heart this guy shows, but the way he talks, it gets

The dangers of Q&A sessions at conferences – egalitarianism

I’d rather not include the names, but I just watched a debate on whether women should preach on the Lord’s Day at church. The Opponent did a fine job until he compromised during the Q&A. A woman asked the Opponent, “Does 1st Timothy 2:11-14 apply to women gifted in preaching outside the gathering of the

Dr. Steven Lawson’s sermon preached at the 2019 G3 Conference – Session 16 (how did such a wonderful sermon end so tragically?)

We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at

The idolatry of the movie Unplanned, wrongfully believing it can Biblically “change a person’s mind,” and my critique of a Facebook friends insinuating comment

It is my personal ethic that personal messages, or private messaging, and/or private emails should remain ‘personal and private.’ But unfortunately today I am seeing some professing Christians take screenshots of ‘private’ messages, and then making them public. I’ve had that done to me, and it’s not a pleasant experience.  Therefore, so that I do