While serving in the 90s as the elected Vice President of a police organization, the President (a moderate Republican) warned others about me saying, “Watch out, he’s to the right of Reagan!” Those words were meant to insult me. Nonetheless, those words have stuck with me all these years, and I receive them as a
This is an exposition of Hebrews 6:13-20. • Vs 13-18 will be ‘God’s Infallible Purpose in Christ’ & the doctrine of Impassability • Vs 19-20 will be ‘Christ, as the Anchor of our soul & salvation & the Man behind the second curtain In vs 17 he said “So when God desired to show more
The theme of this Psalm is ‘The Announcement of the Messiah’s Reign.’ Generally speaking, it is one of the Royal Psalms, but more specifically it is a Prophetic Messianic Psalm. It is rich in Theology, Christology and Divinity. This Psalm and the Psalmist look forward to Christ, as we too should look forward to His
While doing expository teaching on this chapter, I also applied the importance of believing in the God of these Scriptures. As one woman yesterday that was killing her child at an abortion mill, claimed to already believe in both God and Jesus. I also discussed the importance of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility, as well