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Tag: Doctrinal differences

The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches are not Biblical, they are anti-biblical

The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches (or events) are not Biblical. They are anti-biblical, idolatrous, and/or perhaps even a type of anti-Christ. Altar calls are nothing more than a pragmatic, emotionally driven, decision-making experience, that manipulates simpletons while impersonating Christ and creating a counterfeit Christianity. That’s why we have so many goats today

Convicted murderer Brad Sigmon was finally executed by a firing squad

But sadly, liberal ‘professing’ Christians, as well as many dispensationalists are twisting Scripture proclaiming the death penalty was nullified in the New Covenant. Understandably, some dispensationalists are proponents of the death penalty. Regardless, the egalitarian seen at timestamp 1:29 in the video below is sinfully leading this protest against God’s immutable Law. She shouldn’t even

What is a Reformed Church? Are you a RINO?

No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”

Doctrine of Lesser Magistrate as a Cop, not enforcing gun law

In this story, a black lady in South Central Los Angeles was illegally carrying a loaded and concealed firearm in her vehicle. I invoked the lesser magistrate doctrine, resisted the unjust California law, and did not arrest her. Doctrine Matters, Semper Reformanda! #2A #LesserMagistrate #LesserMagistrates #GunRights #SelfDefense #DoctrineMatters #ResistTyranny #ResistTyrants

Arminianism, Universalism & lying at funerals – a podcast

Sproul mentioned how many are sinfully preached into heaven at funerals. That false converts and the unregenerate “They think they can get through the narrow door – by living on Broadway.” But as Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,

Don’t believe the lie that men and women are equal

This meme is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. The battle against Biblical anthropology has always existed. But ever since the sexual revolution, aka the women’s liberation movement, masculinity deteriorated while feminism advanced. Understandably the lost world caved into this madness. But sadly, churches have increasingly capitulated with the worldlings. I sat in