The doctrine of atonement is at the core of the Gospel. Therefore, it is essential for salvation. But through sanctification, God willing, I also believe in limited atonement, substitutionary atonement, and penal substitutionary atonement. But sadly, penal substitutionary atonement is a neglected doctrine. Arminians and many dispensationalists don’t want to believe God hates the sinner, not just sin. And that
There’s been much discussion on the internet on this subject, and I have been asked to clarify my position. This is not an article or a position paper. It is merely a blog post to state my position on these doctrines. These are not secondary issues. Common Grace The doctrine of Common Grace wrongfully teaches
Last night my wife and I enjoyed a trip to a quaint little town. We had a jeweler install a new battery in my watch, ate some delicious Italian food, then looked at some Christmas lights. And of course, handed out Gospel tracts at each location. But what would not escape my mind while watching
Over the last several years God has decreed many significant events to occur in America (and the world), and I believe they will increase. Whether they be mass causality incidents caused either by natural disasters or by man, God decreed them. But the two incidents that stand out the most, are the Corona Virus and the 2020
Christians don’t believe the LIE that doctrine and sound teaching is not important. Christians are to practice it, defend and contend for it, and even rebuke those who contradict it. Below is just the tip of the iceberg of what GOD says about doctrine. Titus 1:9 “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as
The original sin in the garden was named after Adam – aka the first Adam, not Eve. Albeit Eve sinned in the garden, Adam was responsible. So it was thru Adam that sin entered the entire human race (Rom 5:12). Adam is the predecessor of sin and representative of all mankind (aka federal headship). Therefore, today’s husbands
Though I am very appreciative of the many books I have read and accumulated over many decades. But when they are no longer in use, and become mere dust collectors, and/or are doctrinally indifferent, then it’s time to redistribute another box of books, which makes more room for new books (or more solid old books).
Thanks for your podcast, as I’ve said before. I am a former Dispensationalist, and today I still have to fight against that former teaching. Dispensationalism is not just one error. Dispensationalism is the mothership that leads to many other errs. And saying I’m only a “leaky dispensationalist,” is tantamount to saying ‘I only have a
Years ago, while visiting my first reformed church I asked a fellow “When and where does your men’s ministry meet?” He replied, “We don’t have one, they’re not Biblical!” I was taken aback by that. But being taken back is a good thing. I didn’t fight it. I investigated it and learned the difference between
While serving in the 90s as the elected Vice President of a police organization, the President (a moderate Republican) warned others about me saying, “Watch out, he’s to the right of Reagan!” Those words were meant to insult me. Nonetheless, those words have stuck with me all these years, and I receive them as a