A must see documentary on ‘The Real Roots of the Emergent Church’ Even some of the most conservative, evangelical churches are moving in this direction. The following is from their YouTube description field ~ This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the
A must see film ‘The church of tares: Purpose driven, seeker sensitive, church growth & the New World Order’ It’s interesting to see how many pastors that were once known to be doctrinally solid, have now fallen away to align themselves with Rick Warren and his heresies. Listen to some of the blasphemous comments he
The idolatry of decisionism, and the post-modern, emergent, contemporary, unbiblical sinners prayer. Paul Washer ~ If ANY man be in Christ he IS a NEW creation…
Beginning this week, the U.S. Supreme court will begin hearing testimony on California’s Proposition 8, as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Below is my commentary on this subject. Some will accuse this video of being “judgmental.” If so, they are correct. However, it is a Biblical form of judgment, according to the
This message is very old, but is so applicable to the post-modern church today. So many today are mitigating the inerrancy of the infallible Word of God. That is a form of apostasy. Oh how they will be miserably surprised. Notice that the standard of test is all based upon the Word of God. Not
Eric Ludy read heretic Rob Bells’ newest ’emerging church’ book. Bells’ heresies and false doctrines drove Eric to an even more righteous indignation; hence to preach this prolific message. But it’s not just Bell’s book, it’s many others. He also talks about the heretical, immoral, criminally minded, Bible publisher called Zondervan. For over a decade
The State of the Roman Catholic Religion, and the criminology, victimology, and theology of Catholicism by Chaplain Bill Rhetts March 8th, 2013 Introduction: On February 11, 2013, the 85-year old pope Benedict XVI, announced that “because of advanced age,” he would resign by the end of the month. This news made history, because the last
He gave a prolific analogy of the millions that die in Ethiopia and Africa. He described the women as she breastfeeds her baby with her “withered breast.” The babies’ glands are so swollen, that the baby can’t even get fed. He said this is exactly how the church within America is dying. My observations are