These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
It’s nice to ‘not’ preach in the streets for a change, and am thankful that my Pastor extended this great privilege to a knucklehead like me. This is my exposition of Isaiah 6:1-7 (NASB). By God’s grace I preached this message at my church.
Have you ever been discouraged why more people do not become saved under your preaching, teaching, or ministry? I believe these prophetic words will explain why, and will encourage you. Though we should never stop trying to maximize our effectiveness (Biblically), but we can rest assure that that sometimes it is God’s will to harden
The sermon notes to this sermon, can be found below the embedded video. Now in part two, in verses 5-7 we will study the following. ‘The vessel to honor,’ which is prepared by ~ (a) confession (b) provision (c) the remission of sins. Let us first read the Text, verses 5-7. 5 Then said I,
The sermon notes to this sermon, can be found below the embedded video. During the early church the book of Isaiah was known as the “fifth Gospel.” I could imagine how the Apostles used this book as their “gospel,” and how they lived out this message in their ministry. Though I’m not teaching thru the
Perhaps this might be the most important message I’ve ever uploaded to YouTube? Over the years we’ve heard this parable taught by many Bible teachers. But often times the teacher places too much emphasis on Israel, the wedding, the bride, the groom, and/or their culture. When in fact many teachers failed to concentrate on the
In this parable the Lord Jesus warned that His mighty angels will ‘sort out’ and ‘judge’ all of humanity within this dragnet. And then they will ‘sever’ the ‘wicked,’ from the ‘just.’ I spoke of the ‘three people groups’ that will be caught up in the dragnet. They are the born-again Christians, the non-saved, and
As I labor though this expository teaching through the Psalms, I am confronted with verses 4-5 of chapter 5, and the Doctrine of God’s hatred of sin, as well as His hatred of some sinners (ouch). I also share the thoughts of many notable Theologians. I give an explanation and application of the Text, as
The photographs and video footage used in this video, are from my own personal files. In this expository teaching I go over (including but not limited to) 1. DAVID’S TRIALS (AND OURS) A. The Multiplicity of His Foes (vs 1) B. The Malignity of His Foes (vs 2) 2. DAVID’S TRUST (AND OURS) A. His
The outline is as follows. 1. In verses 1-3 the ‘Nations are raging’ (a Theological conspiracy theory) A. The formality of their rebellion (2:1) B. The force of their rebellion (2:2) C. How America has ‘broken her bonds with Christ & cast away the cords’ D. The focus of their rebellion (2:3). 2. In verses