This is my last and final expositional teaching of the 1st Epistle of John (chapter 5:14-21). This study includes but is not limited to, an LAPD response to a domestic violence / suicide call, playing Russian roulette or ‘Christian roulette’ with our sins (FYI according to a Google search, it looks like I coined that
Your sheepdogs exositional teaching of 1 John chapter 5:1-13 includes but is not limited to. The assurance of victory thru Christ, the witnesses & jurisprudence of the incarnation of Christ. More verses to refute easy-believism, and warnings of false converts. Another verse to use as a ‘test’ to see if you are in the faith.
This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 4:7-21 includes a Biblical love vs a counterfeit love, knowing God through love, seeing God through love, the consummation of love, and obedience by faith. The watch the entire study throughout the Epistles of John, click on our tag here.
This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 4:1-6 includes (but is not limited to), the testing of the spirits, discernment, warnings of false teachers & teachings, warnings of false prophets, and when division can be good. Also how Gnostics, cults, and other ‘spirits of the antichrist’ are dangerous for mans soul. The watch the entire
This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 3:10-24 will include (but is not limited to), a Biblical love vs an unbiblical love. A lack of love, and an outworking of love. What does the Bible say about sharing our “goods” with others? What are your scars of persecution? Many more evidences of salvation, and how
This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 3:1-9 will include (but is not limited to), being impregnated with the Lords Incorruptible Seed (sperma), the born-again believers new identity, our hope for the Lords return, the Christians incompatibility with sin, the Greek transliterations that better explain sin in our life (and not in our life), another
This expositional teaching of 1 John chapter 2:15-29 will include (but is not limited to), the ‘world system,’ worldliness and sensuality inside that building we call “church” (i.e. G-strings, lip and breast augmentations.) A video of a pastor’s wife rebuking their congregation for sensuality in their church. The deceptions of today’s antichrists, the forerunners of
This expositional teaching of 1st John chapter 2:1-14 will include (but is not limited to) the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, loving our enemies (I share about one of my police shootings). Another refute of easy-believism, several more Biblical ‘tests’ to see if you are in the faith. Biblical love vs an unbiblical love, the spiritual
Sorry for the abrupt / chopped up beginning, but after uploading, I decided to trim / edit 18-minutes off the beginning. My intro was too chatty. In this expositional teaching of 1st John chapter 1, I did a verse by verse exegetical teaching on the Scriptures. This teaching will include (but is not limited to)
Our intent was to preach this message into a larger crowd, during Redlands highly populated outdoors Market Night. However apparently the city took a break so that the citizens could enjoy other Halloween festivities. We decided to press-on with a smaller crowd. Across the street in the restaurants patio, was a captive audience. Usually when