Sometimes when the percentage of ‘tract reception’ is like this, I walk away without preaching. But today I had a little bit to say. The content of our tracts can be read below the video. Music ‘Fighting to Win,’ by Jean Paul Zoghbi. THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL
In this parable the Lord Jesus warned that His mighty angels will ‘sort out’ and ‘judge’ all of humanity within this dragnet. And then they will ‘sever’ the ‘wicked,’ from the ‘just.’ I spoke of the ‘three people groups’ that will be caught up in the dragnet. They are the born-again Christians, the non-saved, and
My goodness. Without Christ’s atonement, this is terrifying. “Every single person will be gathered before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. They will all stand before Him and receive their eternal sentence. They will either hear from Him, “Come you blessed,” or “Depart you wicked!” To know more about our need for salvation, click on our
When the internet came along, it became obvious that unexpected intrusions into our lives, families, and marriages increased. However since smartphones, and now social media, it seems there’s no limit to temptation, compromise, and/or the appearance of evil. That is why I informed my wife that at any time she is welcome to log-in to
God willing our Pastor did an excellent teaching on Acts 14:8-18. I gleamed much from this teaching, but I want to zoom-in on verse 15 (to God be all the glory). In summary Paul and Barnaba’s where in the city of Lystra, Paul miraculously healed a man. But the people that had witnessed this began
As I labor though this expository teaching through the Psalms, I am confronted with verses 4-5 of chapter 5, and the Doctrine of God’s hatred of sin, as well as His hatred of some sinners (ouch). I also share the thoughts of many notable Theologians. I give an explanation and application of the Text, as
Richard Owen Roberts is spot-on regarding the high percentage of false converts within these buildings that we call ‘church.’ Truth is, if your Pastor does not know every person’s name within your congregation, then your church is too big, and unhealthy. As your congregation grows, the percentage of false converts (CINO’s) grows with it.
I am slowly continuing in my private study through the book of Psalms. Below is a sneak preview of my sermon notes on ‘Psalm 5:4-6.’ Lord willing I pray to videotape this sermon soon. In this next passage the Scriptures mention an ‘attribute’ of God that most post-modern, and even modern-day scholars dare to discuss
I preached from Romans 3:23-31. One lady engaged with several rhetorical questions, and another lady recited that famous man-made cliché, “God hates the sin, but loves the sinner!” I hope my answer to her was clear enough for this crowd. At this location I had a ‘narrow window of opportunity’ to convey my message; hence
This same message was preached at two different locations this morning. I spoke about the ‘hope of heaven’ for their parishioners that were saved. While warning that some of their parishioners might not of been saved, that not everyone whom goes to church, or ‘believes’ in Jesus is saved. I preached on what Jesus said