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Tag: Gods judgment

Feminist Kristi Noem now wearing the pants in the DHS

Listen up, boys, I am Kristi Noem, and I am in charge now. I am proud to be part of the largest women’s liberation movement in America’s history. Today, this administration has more women in high places than ever before. And I don’t care what your Bible says. “Ever since I was a little girl,

Trump’s potential cabinet has broken a record in elevating feminism

Most “Christians” who rightfully said it was unbiblical for a woman to be our nation’s ‘Top Cop’ when Janet Reno was appointed, are now hypocritically giving their approval for the nomination of gun-grabbing Pam Bondi as our next U.S. Attorney General. In his first presidency, Donald Trump broke our nation’s record for elevating a homosexual

The attempt assassination of President Donald Trump, and How God Decreed…

After the attempted assassination of our 45th President, Donald Trump, I see lots of conspiracy theorists posting their conspiracies.    But as a confessional believer, one who is confessional in orthodoxy and orthopraxy, I say this. And all according to the Scriptures, and, as summarized in the 1689 Confession. Though our Lord is not the