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Tag: Gods judgment

Pastors Brian Gunter and Jeff Durbin expose Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

DISCLAIMER: I sometimes share excerpts from various sermons (or videos) from various Christians. However, this does not mean I endorse all views of every person shared here or in other videos on their channel. Specifically, Durbin’s theonomy. Though I’ve never voted for a Democrat, I would not vote for most Republicans. Most are pro-homosexual, and,

EVIL: New California Bill Charges Parents with Child Abuse for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity – Bill Co-Author Once Led Successful Effort to Lower Criminal Penalties for Knowingly Spreading HIV

Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface. I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not

The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and more things to come

Like many others, over the last two years, my wife & I have lost money that we’ve invested in retirement accounts, etcetera. But we know the Lord decrees these things, perhaps as His inevitable judgment. As this worsens, sadly, people with no hope will sinfully commit suicide. But by faith, we do not complain but

Faces of Feminism

I did not always hold this Theological position. But God willing, by God’s grace, He has granted me repentance and sanctification in this area. Whether they be Democrat or Republican. As seen in the below video. These are faces of feminism, and a rebellion against Gods order of creation. As I’ve stated in previous posts. It