Día de los Muertos is a holiday celebrated by many Roman Catholics, and this Day of the Dead is also known as All Souls Day. In the below Doritos commercial, Doritos depicts a family visiting a memorial (or gravesite) of their deceased Uncle Alberto. Alberto then reappears and introduces his homosexual “partner” Mario. Alberto’s elderly
After preaching this sermon I regret not stating the following. It is not just men like #SBC leaders J.D. Greear and Ed Litton, that normalize or minimalize sexual sin. It is also egalitarianists Rosaria Butterfield, Jacki Hill-Perry, and a large percentage of professing (alleged) Christians that do so.
In this exposition of verses 8-16 is a denunciation of false teachers, more on the governing authorities, & the relevance of Enoch’s prophecy. The Lord blessed us by bringing back a member from a time ago. We had many guests today, so I decided to preach the Law & Gospel after this sermon. In this
As a former fornicator, and a person who has had lust in my heart for a woman that was not my wife (aka adultery in the heart), only by the grace of God has He shown me how wicked my own sin was and is. In this sermon I discuss the relationship between the fallen
This is an exposition of Psalm 96 I talk about our view of “tithing” and different ways that we “give onto the Lord,” the Majesty of the Lord, the judgement that the church will benefit from, and the importance of the church going out to tell the heathens. #ReformedBaptist #ExpositoryTeaching #Psalm96
While doing expository teaching on this chapter, I also applied the importance of believing in the God of these Scriptures. As one woman yesterday that was killing her child at an abortion mill, claimed to already believe in both God and Jesus. I also discussed the importance of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility, as well
James Montgomery Boice said this, “When Magic Johnson, the handsome professional basketball personality, revealed that he had AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) the first, immediate reaction of the sportswriters and pundits was jubilation that at last we had an attractive way to look at the killer disease. One newspaper I read actually spoke of the
Though this was an exposition of Psalm 29, I compared the Lord of these Scriptures to the unbiblical Jesus seen in the new TV series The Chosen, I also wrote about it here.
Recently on Facebook, a page called “The Chosen” kept popping up on my newsfeed. I then noticed that a large percentage of my Facebook friends ‘liked’ this page. But when I saw this page was a television series about Jesus, I decided to investigate a little further. According to this first post I saw on
This exposition of the Twenty Sixth Psalm reveals more evidence that Christians are not to be a friend of sinners, or friends with the world, in fact there’s a time to hate evil doers. “And this also was an evidence of his faithfulness to his God, that he never associated with those who he had