Since this web site and domain no longer belongs to a 501c3 non-profit, it is now my page. Therefore along with Christian related posts, I will be personalizing this page, along with including more of my outdoorsman activities. Regretfully someone stole my GoPro camera a few weeks ago. So this video was captured while holding
In this episode, I briefly speak about a Pastor that goes against the establishment. Pastor Steve Richardson of Faith Presbyterian Church, writes an open letter to the church, regarding their church closing his church. I then talk about my recent camping – RVing trip, and the importance of having Ham Radio where there is no
After spending a week reviewing many articles, videos, and Podcasts from various ‘professing’ Christians regarding the Chick-fil-A saga, I again saw nothing but compromise, and a lack of discernment. But in this Podcast I reveal that the Salvation Army is pro homosexual, including gay marriage. I also share some experiences as a police officer, and
Once I obtained my ‘General’ FCC license (K2PTL) I was eager to find some Christian Nets (ham talk radio) on High Frequency, but sadly most of them engage in false teaching, easy believism, a watered down Gospel, and/or the unbiblical “accept Jesus” to go to heaven blasphemy. But today I found some decent Bible studies