Open-air preaching in Downtown Riverside on easy believism, repentance, & salvation (with 1 bad interruption & 1 good interruption) There were many people sitting down eating in the outdoor food court. I warned them of easy-believism, by telling the story of how a pro-life ‘believer,’ was recently offended by a Biblical message I gave; and
Open-Air preaching @ Redlands High School, on Marijuana Sorcerers Because I was by myself, I didn’t want to take a chance of getting my camera knocked off the tri-pod. Therefore, I mounted it on my car parked away from me. Unbeknown to me, the bigger crowd was just to my left (out of the cameras
An audio message of the funeral for my dad – Bill Rhetts, Sr., by Bill Rhetts, Jr. Today I had the privilege of officiating my dad’s funeral. Our parents’ pastor was gracious to bestow that honor to me. The chapel was well attended with family that we hadn’t seen in many years. As well as
Sermon jam on ‘What is wrong with the pulpits?,’ by Shane Idleman Pastor Shane warns about an unbiblical love, and un-regenerated heart within the church. He then said, “Either the love of God will compel somebody to repentance. Or the hammer of God will crush them to repentance.” However, it is not just pastors “Rob Bell” and
A must see documentary on ‘The Real Roots of the Emergent Church’ Even some of the most conservative, evangelical churches are moving in this direction. The following is from their YouTube description field ~ This Christian documentary film The Real Roots of the Emergent Church will take an honest look at the leaders of the
A Christian Cop meets with a Satan worshiping convict, who was tattooed 666, by Bill Rhetts A story about love, conviction, repentance, street witnessing, the warnings of false conversions, and what is the evidence of Salvation. The person seen in this video is to be considered innocent of any crime(s,) unless proven guilty in the court
The idolatry of decisionism, and the post-modern, emergent, contemporary, unbiblical sinners prayer. Paul Washer ~ If ANY man be in Christ he IS a NEW creation…
Beginning this week, the U.S. Supreme court will begin hearing testimony on California’s Proposition 8, as well as the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Below is my commentary on this subject. Some will accuse this video of being “judgmental.” If so, they are correct. However, it is a Biblical form of judgment, according to the
This message is very old, but is so applicable to the post-modern church today. So many today are mitigating the inerrancy of the infallible Word of God. That is a form of apostasy. Oh how they will be miserably surprised. Notice that the standard of test is all based upon the Word of God. Not
On January 1, 1761, this Puritan devotional was preached at Princeton College. It was written and delivered by Samuel Davies. He died right after preaching this message. Hence, some said ‘He preached his own funeral sermon!’ Oh how we need more Puritans today.