Feminist Kamala Harris is a registered Text offender. The god she preaches about is not the God of the Bible. Her god is a universalist and socialist with her social justice gospel. Frankly, she sounds like the many unbiblical pro-lifers who twist God’s Holy Word with improper hermeneutics. Kamala, God’s love is exclusively for His
If you want to Make America Great Again, Christians must first desire to Make the Church Great Again. This podcast is a Biblical charge to Christians to understand and deploy this biblical militant and combatant charge, which is the hapax legomenon in Jude 3, to epagōnizomai. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto
This meme is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. The battle against Biblical anthropology has always existed. But ever since the sexual revolution, aka the women’s liberation movement, masculinity deteriorated while feminism advanced. Understandably the lost world caved into this madness. But sadly, churches have increasingly capitulated with the worldlings. I sat in
Some of the most misused, misapplied, misquoted or twisted Scriptures are Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:20, John 3:16, John 8:7, and either Matthew 11:19 or Luke 7:34. But via sloppy hermeneutics, Romans 12:18c is increasingly being used out of context. Romans 12:18c says “live peaceably with all men.” Compromisers that misquote this partial verse want us to believe that
I wish professing Christians would stop using the mention of Phoebe to wrongfully justify their unbiblical installations of female Deacons. When the Apostle Paul called Phoebe a “deacon” in Romans 16:1, he was not referring to, nor calling her by a title or office. The word “deacon” in Romans 16:1 is the Greek word diakonos, which means
Dr. Robert Morey rebukes the narcissistic heresy “God loves everyone.” Then talks about the four sources of humanism or the humanist. The rationalist (reason), the mystic (experience), the empiricist (feelings), and the feistiest (faith.)