This preface are my own comments to the below article. Professor Michael Haykin’s article is below my preface. During the 2008 Presidential election, I saw an increase of well-known Pastors crossing the line from pulpit duty into the arena of politics, including giving endorsements. But to make matters worse, some made either derogatory or untrue
Sadly, today many ‘methods’ of evangelism have become idols, and to some, their evangelists have become idols to them. Brethren, anytime we’re ‘reasoning’ with the lost, we ought to be reasoning directly from the Scriptures, we must use the Sword of the Lord (the Scriptures). But Comfort by his own admission is an opponent of
(this is the abridged online version, re-written in 1st person) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This article comes after much prayer, and biblical council. My intent is not to merely criticize others. Nonetheless, Biblical discernment involves the process of both biblical judging, and critiquing. Please know my heart, that I