Many years ago a pastor unbiblically told me “You should be known more for what you’re for, than for what you’re against.”… I just learned that president elect Donald Trump nominated yet another homosexual into our White House, or on his Presidential cabinet. And that is Tammy Bruce, as the spokesperson for the U.S. Department
While this “reformed” pastor wrongfully teaches God loves everyone, the Scriptures are clear God does not love everyone, He hates some. I thank our Lord for the ad-intra goodness He has done through this pastor. But since he is teaching this erroneous universal love to such a large online audience, and since he has a
Some of the most misused, misapplied, misquoted or twisted Scriptures are Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:20, John 3:16, John 8:7, and either Matthew 11:19 or Luke 7:34. But via sloppy hermeneutics, Romans 12:18c is increasingly being used out of context. Romans 12:18c says “live peaceably with all men.” Compromisers that misquote this partial verse want us to believe that
Since our home is in a rural area, I appreciate our delivery professionals even more. So, I ordered a small refrigerator to place outside so that our FedEx, UPS & USPS workers, and/or anyone else doing work here can get a cold drink if they desire. Soli Deo Gloria! As Jesus said, “Thou shalt love
The reason I decided to make this blog post is this. Today I watched a video of a professing Christian telling anyone that does not agree with his public display of alcoholic consumption to more or less pound sand. That’s the inconsiderate selfish arrogance that we must push back on. I say this with love