The Apostle Paul set his sights to preach in places where Christ had never been preached. That is what the Lord is pressing us to do. “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,” Romans 15:20. The following
Update: I cited the wrong verse to her. Regarding my response to her, that we are to judge with a “righteous judgment,” see John 5:30 & John 7:24. This brief commentary better explains how she takes the Lord Jesus out of context, stating that we are to never judge This is the same nude
Today I preached, and cried out, in front of this nude bar. I was present no longer than 30 minutes. Thou they may not understand it yet. Nevertheless, what was “harassing” these folks, was the Sword of His Spirit. An interesting observation, was they had a large male bouncer walking in and out of that
The following is in response to some Facebook comments that we receive. Many Christians often ask regarding our outreaches, “what were your results?” Or, they will ask questions like, “Did anyone accept Jesus into their heart? Or, “did anyone make any decisions?” We do not partake in that type of evangelism. Because it would be