Today while I was street preaching a message about a ‘Biblical thirst’ (dipsaō) that is responsive to salvation, this woman walked by me uttering the words “that’s ridicules!” So I responded back for all to hear. She told me “Jesus wouldn’t do that!” Later after my sermon she continued to rebuke me for rebuking her.
Since fornication is a sin that leads to approx. 90% of all abortions, I always attempt to address that sin. Ephesians 5:1-21 is an instruction to Christians, as how to walk in both wisdom and love, and love warns. But to Elegchō (ἐλέγχω) the sin is not enough. Since morality cannot save a man, the
During this holiday season, my theme was memorializing the most prolific, powerful, and prophetic Memorial Day ever. One that I formally celebrate monthly. Though this Memorial Day is the most important, it was also an opportunity to thank our Veterans for their service. The “Atheist” was very mellow, but the aggressive ones will be commenting
Today while evangelizing every ‘fast food restaurant drive-thru’ in my city (except for one), I broke my cycling record (since being back on a bicycle). In both the length of my ride, and the total time. Not bad for where my heart health was not too long ago. I’m making my Pacemaker work over-time. This
As a result of this sermon, some wonderful conversations came to fruition. For more on ‘who God hates,’ watch my exposition of Psalm 5:5-6, via this link here.
I’m sharing this video because it’s a bit sentimental. The back door to my ‘investigations business’ used to be within this alley. But I closed it down to finish grad school, but since the full-time paid ministry opportunity didn’t work out, I ‘might’ start it up again. HI-CALIBER Investigations, it’s in the name! (CA. Lic.
As you’ll see, one heckler says she’s ready for hell, as she continued to mock the message (Satan blinded her eyes). Then another lady begins to weep, and she responds to the Gospel call. One man curses the message. Then an awestruck man humbles himself. Then another man is encouraged by the Lord. Then more
Preaching CHRIST Crucified @ the Mexican Consulate: Thankfully today was an English speaking audience. I preached from the same text at another location. “If I knew I were one of God’s elect, I would come to Christ; but I fear I am not.” … To you I answer: Nobody ever came to Christ because he