Due to being in church, I missed the larger crowd, but I was able to respond before it ended, distributing a few hundred Gospel tracts; as they were wrapping it up. To read the content of these 1,800+ word tracts, click on this link here. Music ‘Hallelujah’ by the Canadian Tenors.
Preached ‘Those in hell will confess Jesus is LORD,’ one man heckles the message, becomes confrontational, others engage in fruitful conversations, and some ask for prayer. Music ‘Suspense,’ by Andrew G.
This morning I preached (and taught) from Ephesians 1:3-8. This passage is rich in Doctrine, which provides an opportunity to teach, and not just preach. From this grand passage, I spoke about how this passage is exclusively only for those that get saved, about Christ in the heavenly places, that God chooses whom He elects,
Warning the lost, of what lays ahead for them. “Therefore I will bawl [shout loudly], I will not be a velvet-mouthed preacher.” – George Whitefield “Where are the men who will stand up and preach hell’s hot, heaven’s sweet, sin’s black or white, judgment is sure, and Jesus saves… where are those men?” – Dr.
This morning I preached from John 14:1-6. I was light on sin, and their need for salvation, but my IPOC Gospel Tracts cover that well. For born-again Christians only. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so,
This morning I street preached from Revelation 14:6-8 “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment
According to His will He does. For some His plan is salvation, for others His plan is to cast them into the lake of fire, which will be their second death. Question is, which plan will you experience? The news story that I spoke of, can be seen here.
It was a sad day today at our cities internationally known ‘Redlands Bicycle Classic.’ Though there were many decent people that ride for enjoyment (or sport), and there were some nice families. But a large number of these ‘bicycle enthusiasts’ were wicked, unregenerate, sinful idolaters. From Satan worshipers, to drunkards, to women who cursed at
After preaching this message, I had some great conversations and questions. The conversation with the “combat vet” was edited out. Thankfully he won’t have to carry those heavy burdens anymore. Thank You Lord for that opportunity. Doxology by Angie Lewis.
Sometimes when the percentage of ‘tract reception’ is like this, I walk away without preaching. But today I had a little bit to say. The content of our tracts can be read below the video. Music ‘Fighting to Win,’ by Jean Paul Zoghbi. THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL