God will not be mocked. The Church and her people cannot negate nor skirt their responsibility to obey the Great Commission themselves, lest they be in the sin of omission. Writing someone else a check to do the work we’re commanded to do won’t cut it. When we give an account to God, that check
After seeing another Biblical herald being wrongfully criticized by heterodox believers for how he handled the police, I post this. There’s a lot of talk today about liberals hating “free speech.” Since the beginning of Christianity, Christian Men who have been called to go, stand, and preach the Gospel in the public square have always
You may remember my Podcast on how I protested my socialist stimulus checks. I purchased a bunch of $20.00 McDonalds gift cards, and give them to those in need, as I share the Gospel with them. Since I haven’t uploaded one of those videos in a while, here is one for y’all.
Preaching the glorious Gospel in the streets of California, the land of fruits and nuts is always a challenge and a blessing. In this video, you will see (or hear) my beloved friend Ronnie herald the Gospel at Disneyland. Disneyland spends an enormous amount of its patron’s money financing the homosexual agenda, as they indoctrinate
By God’s grace, I have been able to toil the soil at many Covid-19 testing sites. Though I do not upload all videos, here’s another of many outreaches, as well as some of my Tweets regarding testing sites. I can’t think of anything more confidential and personal than our God-given DNA genetic code. In the
The San Bernardino County states these, “Community COVID-19 testing sites are being held throughout San Bernardino County. Samples will be collected using a swab in the nostril. These samples are then sent to a lab to test for the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS‑CoV‑2 virus).” But my Gospel tracts warn the populace that we’re all
Based on social media posts and conversations I’ve had with some; it is obvious that many are becoming faithlessly desperate for a better nation. And for most of them, their solutions are not Biblical, but rather are carnal, secular, political, and/or pragmatic. Consequently, I’m seeing a rapid increase of bringing nationalism into the church, and a
The first preacher is my dear friend Ronnie. I do not know the sister handing out tracts, nor the preacher at the end, but I love their labor. I’ve had the privilege of standing with Ronnie at many venues all over California and out of state. The Lord has used Ronnie to preach to millions
Since I have been previously threatened arrest, detained by the police, and warned “trespass” at this location, I preached from the curb with reasonable amplification. One seemingly repented, but since that conversation was private, I omitted that conversation.