The DMV in Redlands has been closed for approximately 18 months, so today I preached their reopening. It appears it might be under new management. Over the years I’ve had problems with the female supervisor who has stood in my face in an attempt to stop the preaching, she’s even called the police. The State
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
One alleged Christian unbiblically tells me “Just tell them to accept Jesus,” while another man responds to the Gospel. I regret telling the man in the intro “I like that shirt man.” Too many believe wearing a “Christian t-shirt” is evangelism.
Too many professing Christians consistently complain about the police, and from a social perspective it’s a form of antinomianism, or being against ‘law and order’ or justice. Frankly, I expect MUCH more from Pastors and professing Christians than I do the Police. Christians are a saved regenerate changed repenting people group. But like everyone else,
Since I did not have to study and prepare for a sermon for this Lord’s Day, and it was a light week, I was able to preach the Gospel daily. Here’s one of those many labors of love.
This was a 40-minute encounter, but for obvious reasons, at this time I am only provided this excerpt. Out of the many others I’ve evangelized, perhaps he was the sincerest. I am thankful that he did not become combative, as some have. Most importantly, please pray for this man!
I rarely upload evangelism videos anymore, but here’s one. This is an excerpt only; the private encounters and conversations were omitted. Too many professing Christians seemingly have made a golden calf out of the pro-life cause, perhaps even of the fetus. I watched a pro-life documentary, and oh, how it was man centered. The Triunity
Though I evangelize (or preach) daily, I rarely upload evangelism videos anymore (too time consuming). But this brief summarization of the Gospel was done at a very unique location. Hence, this one’s for you. The tract I wrote that I gave them can be read here.
Since Christians obey the Great Commission, we are at a higher risk. Hence, here’s a valuable resource for your consideration. UPDATE 08/09/21: Since I am in more contact with COVID+ brethren, I began prophylactically taking my Ivermectin today. As I stated on Twitter today –