Because this video was uploaded to this channel, I established a new Facebook connection with another Reformed Baptist Pastor. Similarly, like myself, he desires to connect to like-minded Heralds of the Gospel. In a personal dialog with me, he expressed his concern with the growing number of “reformed” evangelists that prefer to “get tied up
Amy Rue, I received your comment you submitted under this video. Since your comment was public, I will respond publicly. I see as of “Sept 10, 2020” you have a brand new YouTube channel. Is this so you can profess to be a Christian, then wrongfully criticize Heralds with your unbiblical (anti-Biblical) rhetoric? Amy, you
I was preaching the Law & Gospel at this location for about 20 minutes (one sermon for each line). Except for one alleged Christian in the first line that shouted, “Just tell them to accept Jesus,” the crowd was very receptive. And so I publicly corrected that blasphemous heresy, while preaching to the next line,
Other than a conversation with one alleged Christian that wrongfully told me, “Why don’t you just tell them to accept Jesus,” this was non-eventful. I correct that heresy on the next corner, in the next video.
Since a Deputy served me with a court order at this location, I usually spend no more than 5 minutes here. But today multiple long lines were pointing in various directions, and so I labored longer than normal. Some willingly engaged me in conversation, and one lady responded to the Gospel. By the grace of
This is the place I was served with a court order, restricting my evangelism, so I don’t spend much time here. Regretfully I violated my general rule, to not allow hecklers to distract me. Hence I failed to preach on the Law.
Today all four sides of the DMV building were wrapped with souls, so I preached several sermons from three of the sides. The one guy that complained about a “headache” (during my preaching) will wish he had heard the Gospel one more time, is he goes to hell.