Once I payoff my prescription glasses, and microphone, then I will purchase some ‘soft diffused’ lighting for filming at 4:00AM. The regular lights are terrible for the camera (my face). As a Covenant Theologian, I must call New Covenant Theology what it is. New Covenant Theology is a form of ἀνομία. It is acquiescing to
In our first show I discuss getting today’s show on the road (literally from Orange County), and how the Lord used this wretch (28 years ago today), to thwart a shooting massacre at a church. My next step is locating and subscribing to a ‘royalty free’ resource for sound effects, and using those will be
In these Podcasts, I will discuss Theology, Doctrine, and a Christian worldview on current events, controversial topics, law enforcement issues, and/or the criminal justice system (former CJ Instructor). To do so while demonstrating apologetics* (1 Pet. 3:15), and polemics ** (2 Cor.10:5). And to contend for the faith, expose evil with a Biblical love, instruct in
A liberty rights law firm has offered to look into this matter (they saw my post on my former Facebook page). Though I am grateful for their offer, and I might consider them later, but for now I need to work this out with the Lord according to His Scripture. I think sometimes when we