In the below video (a sermon excerpt), Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church Charlotte, NC gives a scathing rebuke of the political idolatry that has infected evangelicalism. Evidently, this new ‘God bless the USA bible’ created by Lee Greenwood, and promoted and endorsed by former president Trump, includes secular ecumenical documents alongside the Holy Scriptures.
According to Fox 17 WZTV news, during a permitted “pride festival” at a public park, a “prayer group” was asked to leave. The police responded and escorted them out of the park. I did not know about this event until I read this article. Nor do I know the people in this “prayer group,” or their doctrine
God willing our Pastor did an excellent teaching on Acts 14:8-18. I gleamed much from this teaching, but I want to zoom-in on verse 15 (to God be all the glory). In summary Paul and Barnaba’s where in the city of Lystra, Paul miraculously healed a man. But the people that had witnessed this began
In this video I give an exegetical teaching of Gods prophetic Word in regards to many end-times warnings. I go over each characteristic and attribute of today’s false converts, wolves, (and/or false teachers). I also share some personal experiences, and how Christians must avoid these sins. As well as what the translations of each specific
This is a must see video for the church. A side note. I lost count as to how many Christians have stated that when born-again Christians gather to watch a ball game together, that it is “fellowship.” That is not only an unbiblical statement, it’s an affront to a Holy God, to call that “fellowship.”
The Apostle Paul’s attitude towards other preachers that he did not agree with (excluding false teachings, deception, an unbiblical Jesus, or what’s clearly hate mongering) By Bill Rhetts, MA (Disclaimer: This blog post is not referring to, nor in the context of opposing sin, or false teachings.) I am so thankful for other fellow open-air preachers,
The Apostle Paul set his sights to preach in places where Christ had never been preached. That is what the Lord is pressing us to do. “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,” Romans 15:20. The following
The fallacy of taking Matthew 12:19 out of context; Jesus never opposed open-air street preaching by Bill Rhetts Many of those that oppose open-air preaching, will attempt to use Matthew 12:19, to imply that Jesus would not have preached out in the open air, or the streets. The problem is, they are either intentionally, and/or
Next to the Almighty, my main mentor is my pastor. However, George Whitefield has been a great ‘mentor at large.’ Especially regarding open-air preaching. This sermon ‘Satan’s Devices’ was taken from 2 Corinthians 2:11. George Whitefield (Methodist evangelist, 1714-1770)
Pastor Steve Lawson gives a topical study on the sin of ‘pride’ within the church (and ourselves.) He breaks this message down into three parts. The rebuke of pride, the revealing of pride, and the ridicule of pride. He also speaks of the pride within unbiblical decisionism, the acceptance gospel, and the sinners prayers. Pastor Lawson, you’ve
This is part 2 of Heresy Today’s study, on ‘Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD,) and the ‘Decline of the Biblical Church.’ In this study, he concentrates on children, child bearing, and school. Sadly many buildings that we call ‘church,” are full of ‘believers,’ but that are not born-again. This guy teaches sound doctrine, is well-spoken, and
Are you truly born-again (saved,) or are you just a ‘believer?’ As Ravenhill said, “Would He be embarrassed to rapture you, at some certain point in your life?”
It breaks my heart when I see professing Christians quarreling on Facebook. The Bible says that Gods’ angels rejoice when one sinner repents (Luke 15:10.) However, I believe Satan rejoices when Christians quarrel or argue on Facebook. I’ve even seen a ‘believer’ reply in a Facebook comment, “well it’s my first amendment right, to say