(this is the abridged online version, re-written in 1st person) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapters CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This article comes after much prayer, and biblical council. My intent is not to merely criticize others. Nonetheless, Biblical discernment involves the process of both biblical judging, and critiquing. Please know my heart, that I
Our intent was to preach this message into a larger crowd, during Redlands highly populated outdoors Market Night. However apparently the city took a break so that the citizens could enjoy other Halloween festivities. We decided to press-on with a smaller crowd. Across the street in the restaurants patio, was a captive audience. Usually when
On March 30th, 1862, C.H. Spurgeon preached this great sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. He speaks of the sovereignty of God, versus the non-sovereignty of man. As well as how it is Gods will, that brings man to salvation, not mans. In addition, a whole lot more.
Today I distributed many Gospel tracts at different locations, and preached a couple sermons. The below video is from my last stop. Please pray for this young man ‘Nick.’ I would have spent more time with Nick, but he needed to go. Also, please pray for all the others that heard the Gospel, as they were
This video speaks of the unbiblical ‘acceptance gospel,’ the ‘sinners prayer,’ ‘easy believism,’ and the dangers of cutting and pasting Gods Word out of context. I also see this on Facebook, where ‘evangelists’ are getting people to “accept Jesus” into their heart, then declaring them saved. Please search the Bible, you will not find that
Rachel gave this speech to a group of woman just before she died. She spoke of “four principles.” One of those four, is to “know the Gospel.” If you truly loved God, you would love His Word, all of it. Rachel also spoke of the importance of “submitting” to the Lord, not just believing. She also
In this message I discuss the Biblical identities (attributes) of a born-again Christian, and how we are to test and examine ourselves. I also discuss the emergent churches ‘acceptance gospel.’ The false deity of ‘me, myself and I.’ As well as why there are so many false converts in the church within America. Is there such thing as
Today I spent some time in the City of San Bernardino, crying out, preaching into the open-air, engaging in one-on-ones, distributing tracts, and praying with many. The Lord’s Holy Spirit kept pressing me to stand outside this Pernanai store, and preach the Word of God. The natural man in me doubted this prompting. But by
One of the biggest obstacles that open-air preachers face, is those that profess to be Christian (followers of Christ). They seemingly have the spirits gift of telling us, that we should not preach in public places. I say this with much love, but if that’s you. If you’re a doubter, a discourager, or a naysayer;