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Tag: Salvation

Me and our Jackass

This is me and Jackson our Jackass. We share a lot of similarities, except I am much worse, I’m a sinner. A sinner chosen by God, and saved by King Jesus who chose to ride on a Donkey in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. “Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is

An exposition of Hebrews 5:1-10, by Bill Rhetts

In this sermon I did an exposition of Hebrews chapter 5:1-10. The text includes, but is not limited to, the role of Levitical Priests, a warning to Jews, and Jesus as the Great High Priest. I then push back against bringing nationalism into the church. That we must think like Christians, and less like Americans.

An exposition of Hebrews 2:1-9 – don’t neglect your salvation

Though not intentionally this was the shortest sermon I’ve ever preached, so in ‘this video’ I also included the call to worship, communion, Gloria Patri, and the benediction. In this sermon I did an exposition of the first nine verses of chapter 2. •             In vs 1-4 is ‘The duty to not neglect our salvation’•            

Exposition of Psalm 24, by Pastor Bill Rhetts 👑

Disclaimer” When I stated “I am so against our Government.” I meant to say I am against our government’s tyranny, or when they go against our Constitution, or His Church. Therefore, I am not anti-government. This video includes two Catechism questions (with commentary), and then an exposition of the Twenty-fourth Psalm.

Psalm 22:1-21, by Pastor Bill Rhetts (the Father forsaking the Son)

In this Psalm we will see the graphic imagery of the pain and anguish that Jesus succumbed to. One scholar said “Approach this Psalm with the utmost solemnity and reverence, because you have probably never stood on holier ground before. You have come to Golgotha where the Good Shepherd is giving His life for the

Original Sin & the death of our 23-month-old grandson

These last several days have been a difficult time for my wife, myself, our children, and many family members. Our 23-month-old grandson was admitted into a hospital and was listed in grave condition. Sadly, today Lake succumbed to his medical distress. I am not writing this to invite you to my pity party. Instead, I