The Lord’s ‘power and glory’ shined throughout this glorious morning. Before I even started preaching (while distributing tracts), a lady asked me to pray for her (seen in upper left video). Then once I finished preaching, one lady sitting in line exhorts me to preach some more. Then another lady approached me encouraging me to
The photographs and video footage used in this video, are from my own personal files. In this expository teaching I go over (including but not limited to) 1. DAVID’S TRIALS (AND OURS) A. The Multiplicity of His Foes (vs 1) B. The Malignity of His Foes (vs 2) 2. DAVID’S TRUST (AND OURS) A. His
This wonderful lady asked me to omit her remarks. To be more specific, salvation is the Divine monergistic work of the Holy Trinity. Salvation comes to others as the Father ‘chooses whom He elects.’ He draws them (gives them) to His Son for redemption (John 6:37-44; 17:2, 6, 9, 24). Christ then redeems them from
In this passage we teach, learn, or reaffirm (including but not limited to), about the driven, the doomed, and the damned (they are contrary to verses 1-3). We also learn more about Gods judgment, hell, and His wrath. We learn about the incidents of false converts in our congregations, and the ‘unbiblical soteriologies,’ that create
As I prepared for this expository study (other than one scholar), I studied under the teachings of scholars from the 1400’s up to the 1800’s. Therefore, this teaching will not be ‘watered down’ with contemporary fruffles. We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love
I have been open-air preaching through the book of Romans. What I love about smaller venues like this, is it provides an opportunity to ‘teach’ and not just ‘preach.’ Sometimes when 100% of those in line accept a tract, I don’t preach. But in this case, I trusted that they’d read the tracts. Hence I
Today while preaching I experienced quite a contrast between two people in the same line. The prideful man on the far left scoffed and laughed at the preaching of the Gospel. After I rebuked him, I later handed him a tract; but he threw it on the ground. When I attempted to pick the tract
This morning at one of my locations, I preached an unusual message to a good sized crowd. As I preached from Matthew 7, I specifically warned them and then apologized to the non-saved, for the poor witness of the many false converts across America. I then attributed this problem specifically to ‘unbiblical soteriologies,’ as I