Yesterday at church we had a guest speaker. Pastor Steve M. mentioned that it’s not important how long a Christian lives, but what is more important is how “fruitful” our lives are, regardless of how long we live. Since my Cardiologist advised that for now, it is good to “be active,” then sowing Gospel Seeds
Watch this 12-minutes of Pastor Tim telling some very hard truths to his own congregation. Even saying that some of them are most likely not going to heaven. This is a demonstration of Biblical love. I have no doubt that the larger the congregation, the greater the number of those that are either non-Christian, and/or
Police Officer’s Death Investigations – a Theological Perspective Warning: This article is Rated ‘R’ for graphic content, viewer discretion is advised. In law enforcement, I investigated with corpus delicti in mind. Then, as a private investigator, building a case for habious corpus. But as a theologian, what matters more, is the knowledge and faith in His
This women is the fruit of unbiblical evangelicalism / churchianity, that’s tells the worldlings “just believe” to be saved. Neither a profession of faith, nor an intellectual belief are salvific. If you truly have a ‘Biblical’ love for the lost, you would never tell the lost to just “believe.” What many evangelists are experiencing today,
As a form of worship, and for the glory of God, I was preaching the glorious Gospel at this bus depot. I preached on the “bad news and the good news,” as well as on Gods wrath, love, and repentance. As always, I offered anyone to approach me for prayer or further conversation. One fellow
Last night on television, during the vice presidential debate, Mike Pence publicly gave his testimony regarding his faith. He stated, “My Christian faith became real for me when I made a personal decision for Christ.” Bear in mind that the aforementioned ‘statement of faith’ was seen and heard by an estimated viewership of over 50,000,000 people
As I watched these brief testimonies, I shed many tears. Tears of joy because they were saved out of their false conversions, before they died. Tears of anguish because of the many false converts that proceeded them in death. That went to hell, deceived into thinking they were saved; when they were not. As I’ve
Pastor Tim Conway’s wife Ruby shares how she was a false convert under that unbiblical sinner’s prayer, which also led to her own self-righteousness. However when she witnessed her brother later become “radically miraculously saved” from his false conversion, she then began to doubt her own salvation. As most of you know, this past weekend
Immediately prior to this sermon I had witnessed to an active prostitute. She claimed that she was a Christian because she “accepted” Jesus and got baptized. None of which are salvific. I used that experience as a Segway (or segue) into this sermon. The Scripture I preached from is ~ Everyone who makes a practice
This last year the Lord has placed it on my heart to minister more to smaller crowds, that have already gathered. That enables me to place an emphasis on more ‘teaching’ along with the preaching. As well as more opportunities for ministering afterwards (perhaps we can call it open-air teaching). .