On this day I preached in Rancho Cucamonga, then labored in Ontario, and then into San Bernardino. The first two were brief, and non-eventful (but Gods Word promises to never return void). There were several other preachers at the first location. But much happened in San Bernardino. After preaching this sermon, one lady asked some
What the fellow said at the end, is an all too common claim heard by the unregenerate, “You’re disturbing the peace.” My response to him was Biblical. For further, see my video teaching on ‘The Great White Throne Judgment (with violence, Jesus casts them into hell – Rev 20:11-15).’ It’s been said “people on earth
A person in the UK recently watched my video entitled “Three responding to the Gospel @ bus depot while preaching.” He (or she) then watched this below video. He (or she) then inputted this comment under this video. “I live in Scotland uk. I just seen you and this video. Thank you I am off
At first Charles said he was saved because he “believes” and was “baptized.” But later after ministering to him, he realized he was in grave danger. Please pray for this man. I pray that I loved him Biblically, with the whole counsel of God. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows
On this day I ministered in many bars, but this one stood out from the others. I’m glad Thomas was respectful. I am 6’-2”, 225lbs, and he’s taller and larger than I am. But then again, getting our derriere kicked for sharing the Gospel would be Biblical. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares
I never thought the Lord would use an info-graphic to convict me. After reading this, the Lord has redirected my paths for today. And this was a conversation between two men that are born-again. Imagine what it would be like for this dying man, had he not been born-again of Christ’s Incorruptible Seed? As I’ve
Here I preached from Romans 7:7-12. To know more about thee aforementioned unbiblical sinner prayers, raise your hand altar calls, and unbiblical “accept Jesus” methodologies click on my article here.
Though well intended, I confess that I have quoted this verse out of context. But it is not as consequential as quoting verses out of context in regards to salvation. Soteriology (the study of salvation and how one becomes saved) is an essential doctrine. Hence professed Christians that use John 3:16 and the Romans Road
Your sins will kill you, but Jesus CHRIST can save you. I should have added the below verses to this video, but I added them here. “But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear Him” (Luke
During this sermon I preached the Law and the Gospel. I warned them of unhealthy ‘churches,’ unbiblical soteriology; and false conversions. I informed them of how repentance comes to us, what we do with it; as well as a call to repentance. One fellow later responded to this message admitting that he was considering a