Professing Christians may have the liberty to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States. But that should never be done in the Lord’s sanctuary. I, as a conscientious objector, will exercise my duty to resist such idolatry and pledge my allegiance to Christ alone. OK, the above was 279 characters of the
Disclaimer: Though architecture is important, I am not speaking in the context of the architecture of the building. Nonetheless, I am speaking of how the congregation meets. Let me first say what a sanctuary is not. The sanctuary of a church is not a country club, a social club, a recreational room, a community center,
What a breath of fresh air. Sadly, today’s Evangellyfish would wrongfully call him unloving, ungraceful, and/or a legalist. As I’ve said before, a sanctuary is supposed to be a sanctuary. If I want to see thigh meat or breasts, I can go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. “Thank God not to my lust, but to my disgust that this would be