A Christian Cop meets with a Satan worshiping convict, who was tattooed 666, by Bill Rhetts A story about love, conviction, repentance, street witnessing, the warnings of false conversions, and what is the evidence of Salvation. The person seen in this video is to be considered innocent of any crime(s,) unless proven guilty in the court
This puritan wrote this newspaper column back in 1848. It’s almost prophetic to hear what he said, as we watch where we are today. He also warned about the many books that some Christians are reading a well. “I don’t want Satan to outwit us. After all, we are not ignorant about Satan’s scheming.” (2
Today thru the lens and pens of the media, we hear about murders and bloody crimes scenes all over this nation. I mean if it bleeds it leads. But there are many crimes scenes the media never covers. It is the crime scene behind me. It is……… Dr. Kermit Gosnell
Bill Rhetts in a BBC TV documentary on how gangster rap affects society. I gave a Theological explanation and application, on the causation and consequences. Therefore they edited much out. This excerpt reveals whom I blamed for this growing trend.