These two gals waved me down, so I activated my camera and made a U-turn. It wasn’t until I pulled to the curb that I realized I had previously witnessed to one of them.
Don’t kill the messenger folks. We knew Dennis Prager was lost (not born-again), but perhaps this will convince you that he’s more ‘left to the center’ than you thought. In this excerpt Dave Rubin interviews Prager. Prager advised that he ~ supports gay marriage advises he believes that bisexuality “is the norm” that homosexuals and
Regardless of my not so thorough message, the tracts give a clearer presentation of both the Law and the Gospel, pray they will read them. For my article on the sinner’s prayer, and other unbiblical methods of salvation click here. The story about the porn star can be viewed here.
I first heard about this story today on KFI 640AM News. They advised that porn star Nina Skye was let go from a “Calvary Chapel.” However after further research, it appears that Skye ‘may’ have been involved in teaching at more than one church and/or school (possibly a Catholic church as well, though not confirmed).
Today while preaching I experienced quite a contrast between two people in the same line. The prideful man on the far left scoffed and laughed at the preaching of the Gospel. After I rebuked him, I later handed him a tract; but he threw it on the ground. When I attempted to pick the tract
This was from last weeks week long ‘ABC & VICE enforcement’ Gospel campaign. Frankly I spent too much time talking to this bouncer, and this is the short version. But then again, there was not a lot of customers coming in and out, so at least it was not a waste of time. What I
Today many professing Christians on social media respond as if we’re not to oppose or expose the sin of adultery. Or that we should somehow sweep that sin under the rug. The verse that they will wrongfully quote is John 8:7, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her
With the world nearing a thermo-nuclear war, as North Korea has placed California specifically in her target, the least and best I can do is sound the trumpet, and warn the masses of Gods wrath, and eternal hellfire. But sadly most people were just like in the days of Noah. They were eating and drinking,
Are all sins equal to all other sins? In the fear of God, for the glory of God, and by the grace of God, I submit this video to you. For an additional blog post where I talk about professing Christians that go on ‘double dates’ with the sexually immoral, in hopes to “witness” to
Pastor Zephaniah and a few other Christians engage the masses at a pro Planned Parenthood rally. As you can see in these videos, this rally consists of pro-abortionists, homosexuals, and feminists; all haters and enemies of God. Pastor Zephaniah and his team not only have a high view of the local church, and her ecclesiastical