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Tag: Shane Idleman

Video of ‘The cost of carnality,’ by Shane Idleman

I would even add that many of those in “the church” that pastor Shane spoke about, are not born-again. Therefore, they are not actually part of the true Biblical church (the bride of Christ.) Oh how so many want justification, but without sanctification. When my friend Ronnie recently preached this message in the open-air, I

A shocking 2-minute message to men!, by Shane Idleman

A shocking message to men!, by Shane Idleman Another great message by pastor Shane. However regarding his comment telling men to “get off Facebook.” I’m sure pastor Shane would approve of men using Facebook, if they were utilizing it as a ministry, and if their family’s not neglected. That being to glorify the Lord, share the

Sermon jam on ‘What is wrong with the pulpits?,’ by Shane Idleman

Sermon jam on ‘What is wrong with the pulpits?,’ by Shane Idleman Pastor Shane warns about an unbiblical love, and un-regenerated heart within the church. He then said, “Either the love of God will compel somebody to repentance. Or the hammer of God will crush them to repentance.” However, it is not just pastors “Rob Bell” and