At the moment of that salvific conception, a person that receives the supernatural born-again experience receives a circumcised heart. The Theology of the Lords Seed is a miracle that I cannot fully understand. But what must follow is an inceptive growth of the circumcision of sanctification. Does a woman just become pregnant? No, at conception
Difficult is the way & 5 repudiations of postmodern pastorology. Continuing to bring the CHURCH back into the state, one sermon at a time. For my article on the aforementioned unbiblical methods of salvation, click on this link here.
“Evangelism is not a ball game to see how many souls I can profess to win to Christ. Evangelism is a matter of eternal life, or eternal damnation. Only the Lord knows the heart, but in time we can examine the fruit.” ~ IPOC Ministries “The nature of Christ’s salvation is woefully misrepresented by the
Pardon my raspy voice. After explaining to them what it means to Biblically call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, I decided to share my testimony. And how the Lord saved me. Though I did not mention this in the previous video, perhaps I should to encourage other street preachers. After my
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some
This is just another phase of a multi-phase response to terrorism in our community. For more about this multi-phase outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists‘ tag here, or on our web site (this tag will keeping growing over this next week)
Three people from diverse backgrounds responded to the Gospel call at this bus depot. Note that I did not preach easy believism, I actually preached and warned against it. To God be the glory. After I saturated this place with tracts, the police arrived and began searching people. I decided to place the officers in
While evangelizing at this bus depot, the lady seen in the wheelchair was hungry for the Gospel, as was another lady that I spent most of my time with (at this outreach). Though she did give me permission to upload our conversation, I decided to edit our conversation. In addition, the Lord used this to
Lord thank You for allowing me to sow Your Seed, and I trust that only You can produce the results. Lord thank You for sister Eva and her companion. To God be the glory. “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of
As a former false convert myself, and one who has regretfully created false converts, I can appreciate this video. There’s a huge difference between encouraging others in the faith, and assuring others in the faith. Moreover, a mere profession of faith is not an assurance of salvation. This video is applicable to adults as well as