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Tag: Theology Proper

The Doctrine of the Goodness of God, Systematic Theology

I present to you the communicable attribute of God’s Goodness (aka Bonitas Dei). I also explain the difference between the ad extra goodness of God and His ad intra goodness. How can the elect benefit from His ad intra goodness, and how the non-elect benefits from His ad extra goodness. As I said in this

Doctrine of Who is God & His Eternality

I now transition into the sub-discipline known as Theology Proper, which is the Doctrines of God and His attributes. Here, I discuss two attributes, who is God, and God’s eternality. Recently country singer icon Toby Keith died. Before his death, he described having “faith” in “the man upstairs.” That is a terrible characterization of God.

My Intro to Systematic Theology

Scriptures say, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:31). For me, it’s also a fearful thing to accept the new challenge of teaching Systematic Theology at our church. While studying Theology Proper, I’m already trembling with fear, concern, conviction and correction. Please say a prayer for