This podcast is my response to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s narcissistic pornographic selfies and videos. Feminists, pro-feminists, and proud feminists will disagree, but my position is Biblical. The aforementioned sermon Women Civil Magistrates? by Dr. Joe Morecraft can be heard here. The sermon Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust? by Al Martin
A Church Militant will MAGA! This is an excerpt from my sermon on Psalm 51, just days after Biden was elected. Trying to keep us fixed and focused on Christ, and… #MAGA #VICE #BiblicalEvangelism
After spending a week reviewing many articles, videos, and Podcasts from various ‘professing’ Christians regarding the Chick-fil-A saga, I again saw nothing but compromise, and a lack of discernment. But in this Podcast I reveal that the Salvation Army is pro homosexual, including gay marriage. I also share some experiences as a police officer, and
Today at abortion mills many sidewalk counselors wrongfully tell women preparing to murder their child, that they are the “victim.” And they will do the same in situations like this. But the Scriptures are clear that God hates the hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16-19), and He hates those that practice iniquity (Psalm 5:4-6).
She also received a Gospel tract with both the Law and Gospel (she’s holding it in her hand). I do not include private conversations in outreaches like this.