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Tag: Victorville

Video preaching @ the DMV in Victorville (Psalm 117)

Today I went to several locations in the high desert area. Unlike most days, it was an easy-going day (not sure that’s a good thing, but I’m thankful for that). This video displays a little of that ‘labor of love.’ Thankfully DMV staff has never told me to leave this particular DMV property. “How then

Video of In-N-Out Evangelism, at an In-N-Out restaurant

While waiting for my order, I gave every customer a Gospel Tract. I then preached a brief message. On the way out an angry woman let me have it. But a lady customer that identified herself as a Christian, came to my assistance. It’s not too often I run into Christian(s) that actually back me

Video pleading with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’

Pleaded with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’ I usually don’t upload videos of my police encounters. However, this one I did. I was the suspect probably described as a male white, 6-02, 220, crew cut, wearing “camel’s hair and with a leather belt around his waist,