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What does Simul Iustus et Peccator mean?

In Reformed Theology we enjoy this Latin phrase. This phrase is exclusively for Gods elect…. “In Luther’s language, we recognize ourselves—each one—to be simul iustus et peccator and semper iustus et peccator. So when we disobey Jesus’ commands, whether by failing to do what he requires or by doing what he prohibits, we do not

Hurricane Helena, a Christian attitude & response (in part)

A response to the responses of some professing Christians on social media platforms. I made this podcast just before Iran bombed Israel with missiles. Oh, how applicable are the passages used here to that? Disclaimer: When I mentioned the rest of mankind who did not get on the arc. I failed to say that was

Deciding to have our puppy euthanized or not, a Christian response

Forgive my rambling. I pray I did not sin in my use of the Scriptures. This is a semi-impromptu story about Ciara, our 21-week-old Irish Wolfhound. This morning at 7:30 AM was her appointment to be euthanized. But Lord willing while taking her to the veterinarian, Ciara seemingly showed a glimmer of hope. Long story

How can pastors commit pastoral infidelity?

I remember respectfully telling a pastor this once, he was stretched out too thin. When a pastor frequently travels to preach at various churches and/or conferences, you do not have a faithful shepherd. He’s become everyone else’s itinerant preacher. Instead of one bride, he has multiple brides all over, and it’s a form of pastoral

Does God “whisper” at sexual sin? (excerpt from Jude 7)

This is a rebuke of leadership of the corrupting SBC who alleged God only “whispers at sexual sin.” After preaching this sermon, I regret not stating the following. It is not just men like SBC leaders J.D. Greear and Ed Litton that normalize or minimalize sexual sin. It is also egalitarianists Rosaria Butterfield, Jacki Hill-Perry,

Applying the Doctrine of Interposition between a Rapist & his Victim

This is the most unusual rape investigation I had. That was because the rape was still in progress when we arrived and in our presence. She was almost the “damsel” in distress that Deuteronomy 22:27 speaks of. Thanks to the woman who heard her screams and interposed by calling 911, we could physically interpose on

Is Actor James Earl Jones “RIP?”

The death of actor James Earl Jones further revealed how many professing Christians are the Simpletons the Scriptures warned about. As they ignorantly and ecumenically declared Jones to be in “heaven” where he is now “Resting in Peace” or, “RIP.” We are not omniscient, so I cannot tell you where Jones soul will spend an

LAPD Cop applies Doctrine of Lesser Magistrate, not enforcing gun law

In this story, a black lady in South Central Los Angeles was illegally carrying a loaded and concealed firearm in her vehicle. I invoked the lesser magistrate doctrine, resisted the unjust California law, and did not arrest her. Doctrine Matters, Semper Reformanda! #2A #LesserMagistrate #LesserMagistrates #GunRights #SelfDefense #DoctrineMatters #ResistTyranny #ResistTyrants

Pledging your allegiance to the flag in the Lord’s sanctuary?

Professing Christians may have the liberty to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States. But that should never be done in the Lord’s sanctuary. I, as a conscientious objector, will exercise my duty to resist such idolatry and pledge my allegiance to Christ alone. OK, the above was 279 characters of the

Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna is a Seductress

This podcast is my response to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s narcissistic pornographic selfies and videos. The aforementioned sermon Women Civil Magistrates? by Dr. Joe Morecraft can be heard here. The sermon Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust? by Al Martin can be seen here. #Feminism #CongressWomen #WomenInCongress
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