Evangelizing the unexpected opening day of “MAC Selena makeup”
Yesterday while driving from point A to point B, I saw this long line of women outside a department store. It looked just like Black Friday.
So what does an evangelist do with that? I parked my vehicle and grabbed a stack of Gospel tracts, and proceeded towards this multitude.
I was so scared 😉
I then inquired as to why such a large line. They advised it was for the opening day of selling “MAC Selena makeup.”
After distributing all my Gospel tracts via a Rapid Tract Distribution (RTD), I then stood up and shouted out,
“Ladies may I have your attention please. You may have put your lip-stick on this morning, but a mortician may remove it tonight. Are you ready to meet your Maker?”
I then proceeded to briefly tell them what the Gospel tracts were for, the Law / Gospel etc.
This unexpected outreach took only about 7 minutes of my time. Whereas approx. 150 souls now have a presentation of both the Law & Gospel. Including a few males that were in that line.
Or as I usually say,
“You may have put your shoes on this morning, but a mortician may remove them tonight. Are you ready to meet your Maker?”
As they say in law enforcement, there’s no such thing as routine. – Chaplain Bill 🙂