Video evangelizing a Satanic Festival (where approx. 70,000 heard the Gospel and more)

“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).
My dear friend Pastor Marco gained knowledge that this 3-day Satanic festival was to take place in the area of the church that he pastors. As a Biblical Watchman, Marco sounded the trumpet, and summoned a ‘call to arms’ for Christians (Christ followers) to evangelize this event. The following is the rest of the story.
“Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop, within a yard of hell.” ~ C.T. Studd.
First and foremost I (we) want to thank you for your prayers, they were much needed. The following is just a small portion of so much more. Seven of us met at his church for lots of prayer, lots of reading of many chapters thru the Bible; and discussed some ‘rules of engagement.’
Once we arrived we were immediately met with opposition, hecklers, and even a physical confrontation. We took a few hits in the head and/or faces with water bottles, got spat on, were threatened, pushed, and had beer poured on us. Women removed their shirts in front of our cameras, several men exposed their derrieres (and I saw two men expose their genitals) as we preached (first time I’ve seen men do the latter while preaching.) All day long we heard “Heil Satan” and “Satan saves.” We also heard many terrible things said about our Lord. A large percentage of these revilers and Satanists either had ‘upside down cross’ t-shirts, and/or tattoos. Many of them had “Satan” t-shirts, some even had “Fu!# Jesus” t-shirts.
Our team was in agreement that approx. 70,000 souls heard bold clear presentations of the ‘Law and Gospel’ (we were there only one day – Saturday). We gave more of the Law to the prideful violent opposition, and more of the Gospel to those that were being humbled.
These 70,000 souls were never given “Jesus loves you” sermons. They were given the ‘whole counsel of the Word of God’ as the Bible teaches. They were taught both the goodness and severity of God. The Law of God, Gods Judgment, God’s wrath, their soon coming damnation in hell. As well as Gods mercy, love, grace, forgiveness and salvation. But that it is conditional.
“Soft preaching produces hard hearts, while hard preaching shatters, then produces soft hearts towards God and His righteousness.” ~ Mark Ratliff
Out of the 10,000 Gospel tracts we had, we personally distributed approx. 2,000. As expected many were seen on the ground, some were torn up and thrown back at us. We tried to pick up those tracts thrown to the ground, but their clean-up crew beat us to most of them. However I also saw that many of the revilers either read them, or put them in their pockets.
Sadly MANY that attended this event professed to be Christians. In every situation where they were willing to step aside and speak to me ‘one on one,’ I asked them what event in their lives caused them to come to Christ (or allegedly become saved). Nearly all of them had one thing in common. Either they merely repeated their pastor’s “sinner’s prayer,” and were told they were saved for doing so. Or they at one time “accepted Jesus.” Or at one time they “asked Jesus to come into my heart.” I explained to them that those were all unbiblical soteriologies. They all regularly attended church, but none of them knew what the Biblical word “believe” meant, and none of them knew what “repent” meant.
Some of these professed Christians mocked at our warnings. But some of them responded well to the Gospel. The two shirtless guys from the military were very kind.
Praise be to God we saw some fruit from this harvest. You will see some of it in this edited video. Only the Lord knows the hearts of the many that we ministered to. Whether if they truly came to a Biblical repentance, and/or a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ; only the Lord knows.
While evangelizing we would never tell a person that their saved, but we can tell them about the One that Saves. Only the Lord knows His results. Additionally that can only be known later to us, thru a test of time as we examine their fruits, and a observe a changed life (or lack of.) As I’ve said before, “Evangelism is not a ball game to see how many souls I can profess to win to Christ. Evangelism is a matter of eternal life, or eternal damnation. Only the Lord knows the heart, but in time we can examine the fruit.”
Nonetheless we saw some results. But I pray you will never hear me boast about ‘numbers’ or ‘results.’ “So that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:31).
A couple of them made U-turns and left the event, some broke down crying. We gave some Biblical counsel to, some responded well to the Gospel, and we prayed over some. A few even ended up distributing Gospel tracts for us, and so much more.
Let us not forget to pray for the multitudes of people that I did not mention above. God promises that His Word does not return void. There will be some ‘results’ that none of us will know about on this side of heaven.
“Salvation is entirely a matter of God’s free, sovereign choice… Nevertheless, it is equally true to say that if a man is not saved, it is because of his own rejection of the gospel which is offered to him.” ~ Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
The Lord paved the way for us to use serious amplification. The Gospel was heard loud and clear. The police stayed back and out of sight. And as Tatsuo prayed for, they may have been glad we were there.
The entire team were great examples of being warriors, soldiers, and ambassadors for Christ.
When the many people spewed hatred towards us, we just loved them back with the Gospel. According to internet chatter, and comments to the photos uploaded by Satanists on ‘Festigram,’ they have nothing but hatred towards us. Please know this – we love you!
But that’s alright. Jesus said in John 15:18. “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”
And to those that threatened us, and/or assaulted us in different ways, there’s nothing you can do to make us love you any less. “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).
“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.” ~ John Wesley
“It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher” – George Whitefield
I pray that Christ was exalted, that His church was edified, and that many of the lost may be found. And TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Amen!
Side note: This video is the edited version. It was much more vial than seen in this video, but I could not upload much of what we saw. If you would like to view my PowerPoint on ‘Biblical Evangelism’, click here.
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A sister from Russia said the following about our outreach to the Satanist festival. May Jesus the CHRIST be glorified…
“Now this is EVANGELISM! May God help his Church! I cried watching this. It is so heart-breaking. Many out there are lost. We walk with them, talk to them, live with them but fail to preach to them! Christians, we need to arise! The revival has to start from us! The fire has to burn in us before we can spread it on! Truly, the harvest is plenty but the workers are few! May God bring up Laborers who have fully surrendered their lives to Christ and are ready to die for Him; Laborers who are unashamed of the Gospel of Christ and not afraid to proclaim! Yes! May He bring out workers in Rostov; in Russia; in America; in Nigeria; in Africa who will go out there and be the Light and Salt of the world.” Bola John