Has G3 Josh Buice & Paul Washer become Big Eva?
As you know I made a podcast calling out Josh Buice and Paul Washer for their false teaching and application on Romans 13. A fruit of that teaching was the cowardly closure of churches during Covid. Had it been their own private decision between their Elders, I would have remained silent. But what provoked me to Biblically expose and refute that teaching, is when they made their podcast publicly encouraging other churches to do the same. Costi Hinn went as far to shame Christians that would not obey Caesar in this regard, and so I made a podcast about Hinn here.
Consequently, the G3 crew has retaliated against me by lodging complaints to YouTube, hence, giving me another strike. In the video they recently reported, I gave them two thumbs-up supporting their teaching on the sufficiency of Scriptures. So, I guess I’m not to agree with them either.

As I write this post, my YouTube channel has 20,448 subscribers, and there’s a good chance I will be taken down. But my channel was never about me or money, it has never been monetized, nor have any of my other internet platforms.
Sadly, today a large portion of professing Christians wrongfully look up to internet preachers as an authority. But G3 or Big Eva is not your local church authority. Big Eva is tantamount to big government or big pharma. They love admiration, power, control, and the ability to possess a monopoly upon others.
Similarly, to big Government, the church establishment (or institution) will do their best to squash and silence the little guys that would expose their cowardness.
And so, if this channel disappears, you can continue meeting me here on this website; as well as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Rumble, CloutHub, MeWe, Minds, Gab and/or Parler.
Before this post, in agreement with some of Washer’s teaching, I had over 100 of his videos on this blog. But due to this recent incident, his teaching on Romans 13, and his advocacy of friendship evangelism towards homosexuals, I have removed all his aforementioned blog posts and videos.

I love the Lord’s church, but I despise ‘the establishment.’
Lastly, as always. It would be wrong to complain about a problem without offering a solution to the problem.
- Repent from pastoral idolatry
- Repent from treating celebrity pastors like rock stars
- Repent from ecclesiastical adultery
- Repent from parachurch organizations
Parachurch ministries are not only unbiblical. In some cases they are antibiblical. For one of many examples. Instead of the local church making disciples themselves, they skirt or negate their responsibility by sending them to Ray Comfort’s Way of the Master training. Or, many send themselves without a local church behind them. This is a disservice to Biblical ecclesiology. #EcclesiologyMatters
- Support your local church
- Support her with your time, talents, treasures and gifts
- Support your pastors/elders
- Be loyal and committed to Christ via your church
- Minister too, and disciple your local congregation
- And share His glorious Gospel, not neglecting your own Jerusalem.
Below is one of the tracts that I have been distributing in my hometown in Tennessee, her surrounding cities, including Corinth Mississippi. And yes, Lord willing I will be preaching in the streets of “Corinth” soon.
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My YouTube channel just received another strike. But I feel good about this one because as expected it was initiated by a homosexual. The previous strike came in the form of retaliation by G3 Ministries (Josh Buice). The world will hate us, and so will the establishment.