Open-air preachers Brett Coronado & Mark Mackey found not guilty in their criminal trial
![Brett and Mark](
Back on Feb 2nd, 2011, Pastor Brett Coronado, Elder Mark Mackey, and Edward Flores, Jr. where preaching the Gospel out into the open-air in front of the DMV located in Hemet. Then, California Highway Patrol Officer Darren Meyer falsely arrested Pastor Brett, and Mark (video below.)
I had written extensively about this story on my former blog. I had even received an interesting anonymous comment from a person, whom I believe was from the CHP office. As moderator, I did not let ‘that’ comment go through. However I did U.S. mail it to their defense attorneys.
This past week, their criminal trial has been in progress. The “defendants” chose a ‘judges trial,’ rather than a trial by a jury of their peers. Thankfully, after the prosecution put on their case, the judge accepted a defense motion to render a “not guilty” verdict.
I’ve worked both sides of the law (for a total of 30 years.) Two decades in law enforcement, and then the last 10 years was as a nationally recognized, board certified criminal defense investigator.
I do appreciate those in law enforcement, and in the district attorney’s office that are just. However, the numbers of those going against the church are increasing.
The Bible warns us that these pains will increase. However, the church must never lay down her Sword. At times when mans law goes against the Bible, we must obey Gods Word. Even if it means going to jail, and/or to our own death.
I have not yet been arrested for open-air preaching. I have thou (while I was a police officer) experienced some intense inquiries about my Christian faith, including but not limited to, by the FBI in Grand Jury, and in the United States Federal Court system.
I only share my following experience as a warning to the church, and will only share limited details. Years ago while testifying as a witness, before a Federal Grand Jury in Los Angeles, the FBI Agent arrogantly mocked and ridiculed my Christian faith. As he grilled me on the stand, I scanned the faces of the 24-member jury panel. I believe a few of them were highly offended with the FBI Agent.
Later while I was a defendant in a Federal trial, in the United States Federal court; in a pre-trial hearing, the opposing attorney mocked my Christian faith. Praise the Lord!
Regarding mans law, while under oath he asked me, “isn’t it true that you wrote an article stating that Gods law must always supersede man’s law?” My answer was “yes.” The council tried to portray me as an anti-government extremist, in hopes that the jurors would be prejudice against me. Thankfully, the jury panel saw the truth, and rendered a verdict in my favor.
Incidentally, my case was challenged all the way to the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, whom later upheld my jury verdict.
Gods’ Holy Scriptures must always be obeyed, as His Word does have supremacy over mans law. Therefore anytime mans law goes against the Bible, the Christian (and the church) is right to obey the Bible.
The laws of the land will increasingly go against the church. Moreover, the church must never waiver, nor flinch in the face of adversity. And all the Christians said, “Praise the Lord!”
Ironically, when the real end-times persecution does come to America, you won’t be arrested and jailed for the charge of being a ‘Christian.” In other words, you won’t go down in history as a persecuted Christian, a hero, or a Christian martyr.
You will be falsely accused of crimes that you did not commit. The father of lies, and accuser of the brethren will falsely call you a child molester, a rapist, and other horrific crimes of moral fortitude. I’ve seen too much of this, while working investigations on the criminal defense side.
As this happens, those emergent ‘believers’ sitting in many churches today (like some of those that testified against Coronado and Mackey,) will never be arrested. However, the true Christians will be rewarded in heaven.
I pray that Coronado and Mackey will prevail in their Federal civil rights trial against officer Meyer.
“Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalm 100
Disclaimer regarding below video: They are no longer with Calvary Chapel of Hemet, and are now with Reconciled Christian Fellowship.
Video of their unlawful arrest