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Pledging your allegiance to the flag in the Lord’s sanctuary?

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Professing Christians may have the liberty to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States. But that should never be done in the Lord’s sanctuary. I, as a conscientious objector, will exercise my duty to resist such idolatry and pledge my allegiance to Christ alone.

OK, the above was 279 characters of the 280 allowed for a tweet. Fast forwarding over much more I have to say.  

And no, that’s not “legalism” as some will suppose. It’s Biblical ecclesiology. So what’s the solution to this problem? Repent, put flags on our house, the state house, or the white house, not the church house; and practice a regulative principle of worship. Let’s make the Lord’s church great again. #EcclesiologyMatters

More here https://www.theexpositor.tv/wp-content/uploads/A-Position-Paper-on-a-RPW.pdf


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