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The older I get, the fewer and farther between…

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This thought to ponder and pray on is for both men and women, but here I will speak for the men.

When I was a new convert and a younger man, I had plenty of older men to disciple me. However sadly I am now at a place in my life, where men that are well-schooled in the Scriptures that are older than myself, and that are committed to Biblical fellowship; are fewer and farther between.

Which makes me wonder – how many men my age (especially those older), are no longer being discipled themselves?

Most of my aforementioned mentors are now in glory. Though the internet cannot replace fellowship or discipleship. Thankfully the Lord has giving us opportunities to choose our more prolific ‘mentors at large’ via online sources. Henceforth, through their sermons (or writings) the Lord is still using them to mentor others today.

Now on the other hand, older men still have plenty of opportunities to disciple younger men. That are either younger in age, or younger in the Lord – or both.

But as I recently shared with a brother. A young man must be able humble himself to be subjected to Biblical discipleship. Biblical fellowship and discipleship is not men hanging out talking about sports, or merely hanging around with each other. It must be Christ and Gospel centric. Anything less would be a waste of our time. Anything less is not true fellowship or discipleship. Paul said to redeem our time wisely. But sadly those committed younger men are fewer and farther between.

The Bible commands Christians to go and make disciples of men. Discipleship requires spending much time laboring in the Scriptures, praying with, and counseling the other. But today too many skirt their responsibly of biblical discipleship by handing them a book to read – “here read this.” I enjoy my many books, but first and foremost we must trust and thrust ourselves upon the triunity of the entire Godhead, and His living powerful Word. Lest our books become idolatrous. Whether you’re disciplining others or are being discipled, discipleship only ends upon our deaths.

This video gives a 47-minute preview of what true Biblical fellowship and discipleship looks like. Here open-air preachers David, Ronnie, Michael and one of their new converts are at a coffee shop. This is how Christian men (and woman) ought to spend their time together while at ‘church’ or what they call ‘fellowship.’ Notice the concentricity of CHRIST and His GOSPEL. – Chaplain Bill.

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