Video evangelizing with another church (in Orange County) that’s serious about taking the Gospel to the streets (even in their bar district.)
This church is blessed to have such leadership. This community is fortunate to have a local church that loves them this much. They handed out lots of tracts and N.T. Bibles. They played worship music. They engaged in many ‘one on ones.’ They prayed over some, and I preached into the open-air. All for the glory of God, the edification of His church, and that the lost may be found.
Other than Christ my favorite open-air preacher and ‘mentor of evangelism’ is the Apostle Paul. He even preached in the market place (or public places of business). “Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him” (Acts 17:17).
If you would like to view my PowerPoint on ‘Biblical Evangelism’, click here.
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About The Author
Bill Rhetts
An ordinary sinner saved by an Extraordinary Savior. Radically saved, and radically changed, by a Radical God. For more details, see the above 'About me' tab.