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Video of Ronnie preaching the Gospel at San Bernardino High School, an interview of Ron & much more

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Today three others and myself went to San Bernardino High School to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the Open-Air. Glory to God, His grace paved the way for the spreading of His Gospel to hundreds of students.

The City of San Bernardino has the third highest murder rate (per capita) in this Nation, so I anticipated much opposition. To my surprise, this school was hungry for the Gospel. I have never experienced so many from one school, which stated how they appreciated this type of outreach. The love of God was prevalent from so many ‘in this school.’ Go Cardinals!

Other than one administrator telling me, that she did not want Ronnie preaching (due to amplification,) many others from their staff told us how they appreciated it. One staff member even grabbed me in a bear hug stating, “I wish you guys were here every day.”

One parent asked “why are you doing this?” I told her that since they took God out of the schools, we were bringing Him back. She winked and gave a ‘thumbs up.’

Another observation made, that was different from most outreaches, was the large number of people wanted to know “what church” we were from. I told them that the four of us were from four different churches, but with one mission. Apparently, they were interested in going to a church that reaches-out as we did.

While Ronnie was preaching, one gal came to me and said, “I want to get saved!” I presented the Gospel to her, and the way of salvation; the best I could before she was swiftly taken away from me. Hundreds of tracts were distributed. The seeds were sown, and now the results are the Lords. Thank You Lord, and thank those that prayed for us today.

The following video is an edited version. The open-air message was much longer than this. Our photographer Chris, first shot still photos when the crowd was much larger, and video later once the crowd decreased. The good news is, the large crowd also heard the Gospel being preached into the open-air. I hope to have Chris with us more often. He really knows what he’s doing. I’m only an armature videographer. Ronnie you’ve been tagged.

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