Voddie Baucham preached with Glenn Beck at the Roll Call 2.0 ‘Christian’ Men’s Conference 👎

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According to Blaze Media Events, yesterday in Nashville, Voddie Baucham preached alongside men with another Gospel, including Morman cult member Glenn Beck. Voddie has done this in direct violation of God’s Word. According to a reliable source, “Voddie is currently not listening to the Matthew 18 process!”

All this was brought to you by their so-called “Fearless Army Roll Call 2.0” movement. And by yet another “pro-life” organization. This Roll Call 2.0 movement sounds much like the heretical Promise Keepers movement of the early 90’s. And all to further their social justice gospel.

If their “premium” tickets went for $5,000 each, I suspect their speakers received honorariums well over 10 digits a piece. Though this verse does not describe Voddie by his identity, it sure is applicable. Nonetheless, I pray Voddie truly repents.

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” - Matthew 16:26

And of course, as I warned years ago that G3 Ministries was becoming Big Eva (here & here). Their very own Virgil Walker closed one session in prayer, calling each other “brothers.”

More here from Protestia.


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