What is a church sanctuary?
Disclaimer: Though architecture is important, I am not speaking in the context of the architecture of the building. Nonetheless, I am speaking of how the congregation meets.
Let me first say what a sanctuary is not.
The sanctuary of a church is not a country club, a social club, a recreational room, a community center, a place for entertainment, a place to have fun, a place for immodesty, or a place for patriotic pride.
Whatever unbiblical practices the church disallows in the sanctuary should not be allowed in other the ministries throughout the building where the church gathers. Lest our ecclesiology have a split personality disorder. That includes egalitarianism.
The sanctuary should be a holy consecrated place of reverence. A sanctified place of refuge and protection from the world, a special place set aside for vertical worship.
A place where His saints congregate to worship the Holy of Holies. It is a tabernacle and a place of His unique sacred Presence.
A place where the elect is hallowed by His Divine Presence on the Lord’s Sabbath Day.
It is a place where His people are to give their undivided, non-distracted attention to God, and the demonstration of His means of grace.
And what about the preaching of God’s Word?
Though I’ve fallen short. Preaching God’s Word must be done with utmost reverence and humility. It should be taught expositionally, with a sense of fear. The preacher must handle the Scriptures with trembling hands. The Word will pierce hearts, leading to conviction, conversion, and humility, while also driving away those who stand against the faith.
“Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.” - Isaiah 66:5
At our church, we strive for a healthy sanctuary environment. With the blessing of my fellow Elder and the permission of another Reformed Baptist pastor, I borrowed this from their bulletin and pasted it into ours (though I made a few changes).
‘Please remember the time just before our Worship Service is for silent meditation in preparation for worshiping our Almighty God. When entering the sanctuary, please be aware and courteous to those who are preparing for worship; and come early enough to help foster this environment.’
My definition of sanctuary is not legalism, it is a manifestation of His Holiness and the sanctification that He has bestowed upon His church.
A way to foster this type of sanctuary environment is by demonstrating orthodoxy (right thinking, right doctrine or straight belief), and orthopraxy (right practice), as well as practicing a Regulative Principle of Worship. More below.
A Position Paper Concerning the Regulative Principle of Worship
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Below is an accurate definition of what legalism is and is not.
“Legalism is not a strict and conscientious life of obedience to the commands of Scripture. Legalism is not pressing Biblical duty upon a person. To expound the Word of God and then apply that word to the hearts and consciences of the people of God is not browbeating and it is not legalism.
Legalism, basically speaking, has three prongs to it. First, it is the mentality of a works righteousness – that is, the idea of my good works earn my salvation or secure my salvation before God. Second, and this is closely related, it is enforcing into practice regulations which God has fulfilled in Christ. This was part and parcel of the Galatian heresy – dietary laws, circumcision, feast days, and sacrifices were added to the work of Christ to ensure that one was truly saved. Third, legalism is when those in authority preach their own traditions in place of the Word of God. In Matthew 15:9, Jesus calls this, “teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Source: A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 (Ventura) Page 386